

Punkin Patch Child Development Center strives to provide a warm, personal and loving environment in which each child will grow and develop intellectually, physically and socially.

Who We ARE

We believe that our most important goal is to stress the importance of eye-to-eye contact with children, rational discussions, and the importance of interacting and
responding to children’s needs throughout the day. Through our training sessions regarding developmentally appropriate practice, we stress the need for observing and understanding the developmental level of the children in our care. We emphasize the importance of experimentation and discovery learning through play as well as group direction and instruction.  All of these concepts are necessary if our children are to have responsive teachers who provide a warm nurturing environment for learning where children know that they are loved, respected and valued.

We create an environment that encourages each individual to explore, experiment and discover their world through interaction with other children and adults. All learning experiences and activities allow each child to develop their own unique learning personality without stifling their development. We are a developmental care program - the continuity of the infant-toddler-preschool program enable our children to grow in an environment in which they are secure and safe.