Punkin Patch Child Development Center is a non-profit early childhood care and Christian curriculum educational experience for children sponsored by First Baptist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, but strives to be self-supportive through the collection of fees. We plan to provide quality childcare by limiting enrollment and employing staff who enjoy children and are devoted to healthy child development. It is our goal to supplement family and home life in an environment consistent with home care.
Meet Our Director
Elizabeth (Lilly) Atcheson, is the Director of Punkin Patch Child Development Center. Lilly has a BS degree in Elementary Education from Avila College. She began working with Punkin Patch in 1982 and has been Director since 2008. She has two children who attended Punkin Patch and now both of her grandchildren are attending Punkin Patch!
Interested in enrollment?
Interested in a career with us?
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